
There is a story inside of you.

I believe you can write your story, self-publish your fiction or nonfiction book and make money doing what you love!

Somewhere deep down you think so too.

You just don’t know where to start.

I know writing, self-publishing and sharing your book with readers seems really hard when…

That’s exactly how I felt too, when I was just starting out. In the writing and self-publishing world, I was terrified of all the New things and technical stuff I needed to learn. I was frustrated, worried and overwhelmed and I just didn’t know where to start. After lots of years of trial and error I figured it out and you can too (minus the trial and error).

I help overwhelmed and struggling writers find confidence in their inner storyteller by making writing and self-publishing your book simple, practical and fun!

No more confusion. No more worrying. No more procrastinating.

I want to help you…

I want you to feel that happy feeling of accomplishment and excitement, knowing that you did this when people read your book and can’t wait for your next one 🙂

Hi, I’m Lorna Faith

I’m a self-taught writer who believes that there is a storyteller inside everyone. It is my passion and calling to help women and men to discover their inner storyteller and gain the confidence to write books that are a beautiful reflection of themselves. Through my own self-discovery, what I’ve learned from other experts and as I’ve coached other beginning writers, I know how to teach you the real skills you need to write and finish your book.

There’s no big words or techno-speak here. I’m all about practical, straightforward writing and self-publishing tips and how-tos. I try to make it as easy as 1-2-3, but still uniquely – you. You can absolutely do this!

The Storyteller’s Roadmap is a place for storytellers to learn, grow and connect with other real writers, writing and self-publishing real books! This is a community of other do-it-yourselfers, sharing inspiration, support and encouragement.

Just For Fun: 5 Things You Might Never Guess About Me

  1. I have a Bachelor of Music from the University of Lethbridge and a Bachelor of Biblical Studies from PRBI.
  2. My passion for writing fiction was sparked again – after a 20 year break – when I was homeschooling our 4 children.
  3. As the youngest child of 11 children growing up on a farm, I heard stories throughout my childhood and I fell in love with stories.
  4. Nerd alert: My favourite childhood pastime was dressing up and acting out stories with my sister or when my friends came to visit.
  5. My hubby and I have 4 grown children now and we do our best to cram in as many movies as we can during the weekends(when we’re not hiking)… because we all love stories 😉

With such a hodgepodge of life and experience, you bet I bring a unique perspective to writing and telling stories. For me, it’s a simple mix of passion, creativity and productivity!



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