Module 1: Grow A Successful Writer Mindset

Lesson 1: Figure Out Your Big Why

Lesson 1: Figure Out Your Big Why

Knowing why you want to write and finish your book is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself... and answer.

Some helpful questions to ask yourself are:

  • What fiction or nonfiction books do you love to read?
  • What themes come up that inspire you that you would love to write?
  • Are you passionate to write your book to: leave a legacy? create passive income for yourself? tell your personal memoir? begin a full-time writing career?

Knowing the answers to the above questions, will motivate and inspire you even when the going gets tough.

When you know your big why, suddenly there's a clarity to your vision. When you know why you're passionate to write your book, there's motivation to reach your goals. When you know the reason why you're excited to write your book, there's inspiration to site down and write.

In the above video you'll learn how to begin to get unstuck, to embrace your passion for writing your book and to bravely take the next steps forward to finish your book!

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